Leave a Legacy
Your legacy could help Wellspring to continue to provide affordable therapy to help people in the future to thrive.
Remembering Wellspring in your Will is a wonderful way to help those struggling with mental health issues access the specialist support that Wellspring offers.
We understand that friends and family come first, but we know many people care about giving back to others too. Once your loved ones have been taken care of please consider leaving something – it doesn’t matter how large or small – to support our work and help us ensure that Wellspring can continue to support people through affordable therapy.
Leaving a gift in your Will can be far simpler than many people think. We can point you in the direction of some advice and support if you are thinking about including a gift and don’t know where to start, but we always recommend using a professional legal adviser, such as a solicitor, to write or make changes to your Will.
We know making a Will is a deeply personal matter but we’re here to help if you need us. We have the greatest respect for your privacy – but if you do decide to let us know you have decided to remember Wellspring in your Will it will ensure that we are aware of your wishes, can keep you informed of our work and most importantly it means we can say thank you.
We use every gift with the greatest of care. We know you want your legacy to make a lasting, positive difference, and with Wellspring it will.
If you’re considering leaving money to Wellspring in your Will and would like to discuss it with us or to let us know - please call 0131 553 6660 or email us at: mail@wellspring-scotland.co.uk.
Thank you.
Types of legacy
The main ways you can leave a gift in your Will are:
Residuary legacy – A share or percentage of your whole estate. This type of gift in your Will means that however much your financial circumstances change, the proportion of your estate each person receives will stay the same. Usually, it is shown as a percentage of what is left of your estate – once all the expenses, debts and specific gifts have been taken out. This is the best possible gift you can leave to Wellspring.
Pecuniary legacy – Fixed amounts of money.
Specific gifts/ bequests – such as a house or land or personal possessions such as a painting or jewellery.
Contingent gifts – these are gifts, which are dependent on a certain event happening at a fixed or uncertain date. An example is a bequest to a charity which applies only if other beneficiaries named in the Will die before the testator (the person who made the Will).
Informing your solicitor
Your solicitor will need the following details in order to set up any legacy from your will:
13 Smith’s Place
Scottish Charity No:12522
Suggested words for your will
“I bequeath to Wellspring, 13 Smith’s Place, Edinburgh, EH6 8NT, Scottish Charity No:12522 the sum of £_________ (for a pecuniary bequest), or: the residue of my estate (for a residuary bequest) to be used by Wellspring at its discretion.”
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